A vanguardist therapy that works on a subconscious level. It takes the modern psychology (Jung, Freud) and the ancient wisdom of the Tao so that the fusion is absolutely breathtaking.

Why most people come to my sessions?
professional crisis, addictions (workaholism, shopping, sex), childhood trauma healing, conflicts in relationships, separation, letting go, grief, dissolve fears and phobias, prepare to public speech, negotiation, heavy conversations, tough decision making, divorce, obesity, sleeping disorder, negative body image, escape, hiding, virus, self reliance, sexual abuse empowerment, cognitive dissonant disorders, physical pain rooted in psychosomatic disorders.
Map important milestones on the road leading up to the current situation - find out your tendencies, the systematic conflicts of your life, find the source trauma bond and heal it
Understand which inner conflicts are reflected on your physical body and how these affect you. Release the tension and move on.
Be prepared for challenges, upcoming confrontations, stressful, tense situations to deal with them in a confident and effective way.
"The sessions are a training process. Through these sessions you will acquire the emotional and strategic capacity to deal with any type of situation in which you find yourself, whether it is to make important decisions, face difficult moments or make important changes successfully." Alex Escot Founder of Cognitive Metaprogramming

Cognitive metaprogramming---
A vanguardist method that is brutally fast, confronting and transformative.
Cognitive Metaprogramming uses intuitive visualizations and the symbols of the mind in order to neutralize inner conflicts coming from past experiences or projected in the future.
The sessions are of 60 minutes.
Price: 80 euros
The average sessions that a Customer takes is of 4-6 sessions (every 3-7 days) and after this experience a maintenance of 2 sessions every 6 weeks is a recommended option.
The benefits are: you reach a more harmonious state, you are free to make more conscious decisions and choices
in your life.
#Make peace with the past: "Cognitive metaprogramming for me has been a new and unexpected experience. I have been able to transport myself to the past, bequeathing again to relive my good and traumatic experiences. In the traumatic case I have been able to conclude that cycle or perhaps see it from a more positive and constructive point of view, on the good side I have been able to relive that joy and security that that experience gave me. In short, I would say that metaprogramming has led me to painful points in my life, I have been able to filter and transform that experience into something encouraging and positive." F. Acuna
#Rejection: The Customer felt insecure in a relationship: he rather closed when it was time to communicate his feelings and needs, he was scared of abandonment and rejection. We healed the source memory episode, since then he is brave at the time of communicating with his partner with no expectations or fears of reactions, having the self - respect and reliability of honesty. This ended up in a more authentic communication and comprehension on a higher level.
#Leadership: the Client had difficulties at work: felt no leadership skills, we did a session focusing on integrating leaders as models in his system. After the session he felt much more confident and his relationships at work became more harmonious and solid.
Thank you
"When we first had a meta session with Julia, I had no idea what was going to happen. I hadn't heard much about this yet, but I was very curious! the incredible empathy, the acceptance - and the magic itself. When working together with tremendous lightness, we progressed quickly and simply dissolved the subconscious fears lurking in the depths of my soul that I had probably carried for many years. Did huge steps to accept, to open, to expand ... To calm down. To tranquility. I can't be grateful enough! Thank you very much!"
"Insightful inner journeys, healing of past wounds and traumas, a new understanding of past decisions, reactions and behaviours, establishing new ways of thinking and functioning are some of the very important benefits of the meta programming sessions with Julia. She skilfully guides the process with compassion, deep understanding and intuition.
Julia listens, hears the pain points, then works with the images, sensations and memories that pop up in me, using deep breathing to support this fast and efficient process. Each session was an amazing experience and left me with a clear understanding of how I functioned, why I functioned that way, and created a shift in how I look at situations, people and events in my life. These deep healings give me the freedom to take decisions differently, to make different choices and feel more complete, empowered and sovereign in my own life."
Ágnes Tarnai
Executive Coach and Facilitator - Tarnai Academy
"I met Júlia through cognitive meta programming. Such a professional and gentle way of helping and going through the healing process together. It’s always a pleasure to work with Júlia."